A Common Barrier To Your Health and Fitness Goals

If asked to press a three-pound dumbbell overhead, it’s likely that many of us would be able to do so with relative ease. Now, imagine being asked to pause that overhead press at the top and hold it there for an hour or two. Or, imagine doing the same overhead press, then simultaneously handed a wrench, light bulb, cell phone and a large cup of coffee to hold. Sounds a bit ridiculous, doesn’t it? Stress is very much the same way. We’re constantly dealing with ongoing stressors (often for more than just an hour or two), and many of us are juggling constant demands from multiple areas of life: personal relationships, parenting, family and work. From a physiological standpoint, we’re built to withstand stressors to a degree and for a certain amount of time. Stress can become problematic, however, when it’s chronic and coming at you simultaneously from several directions. From my experience as a dietitian, I’ve found that those who consistently keep food and symptom journals repeat...